Happy May 2021! Trees and flowers are blooming and the world smells and looks like a fairy land! In Greek and Latin, the word May comes from Maia meaning “mother, nurse, midwife.” Perhaps that is why May is the month mothers and nurses are honored! The definition of the word expresses both possibilities and permission; as in “that may happen, if…” and “yes you may.”
This May, Hope & A Future is able to announce that our expansion may move forward! Our pioneering intergenerational project is now in compliance with the complicated Federal, State and County ordinances that have stopped so many intergenerational neighborhood projects. I have hoped and dreamed to hear that we may move forward with the complete TIIN model for 2 decades! It has been a long and complicated journey with many wonderful people helping along the way! Thank you to so many! You know who you are!
If you are new to following us, TIIN is an acronym for Therapeutic, Interactive, Intergenerational, Neighborhood. Therapeutic is a word that describes something with healing powers–a therapeutic agent such as therapeutic exercises. Therapeutic agents may be used to maintain health or to have a healing effect. While the TIIN needs certain kinds of spaces–the super power or therapy is found in what goes on in those spaces! The TIIN model includes built spaces, neighborhood staff and community building programs that are designed to promote interaction between diverse neighbors in such a way that relationships, roles and a sense of belonging are nurtured by the enjoyment of art, music, nature, gardening, healthy living, mentoring, sharing ideas and problem solving together as we do the work of life. Young and old neighbors use their strengths to help serve each other’s needs. The super power, or healing power in the TIIN comes from replacing loneliness and hopelessness with genuine roles and relationships within the intentional community. Equity is built for those who need it. All neighbors may be helped and helpful. In the safety net of each other, genuine purpose and belonging keep young people moving forward and older people mentoring, teaching and loving through the lens of a lifetime of wisdom. Research shows us that increased self esteem and social support along with real purpose and belonging keep younger and older people mentally and physically healthier. In our welcoming inclusive and creative culture people do more than survive, they thrive! Even when the end of life comes, we stand together, celebrating the relationships that live on in our hearts and minds!
People brave enough to commit themselves to living transparently among diverse neighbors will have endless opportunity to learn and grow. One of our initial aims is for diverse community members to come together to hear each other’s stories. By honoring others with listening ears and an open heart neighbors may come to see with new eyes and experience new connections in the web of life. In the TIIN, diverse neighbors live together as a family of friends. While jobs and possessions come and go, relationships live on in hearts and minds–and we may even enjoy a sense of eternity. With the expansion, we may be able to help more people experience the joy of genuine relationships–in and around our TIIN expansion!
The next phase of the TIIN building plan includes 15 condos for independent 55+ adults and 4 affordable rental units for younger families. There will be indoor interactive space for; arts performances and events, music venues, gatherings with food, exercise, an after school program, preschool, and adult day care. Our ample green space has a pool, vegetable and flower gardens, fruit trees, chickens, picnic tables and we look forward to a new playground and urban bees! The TIIN model is small enough to create a real sense of community, but large enough to invite the greater community. The TIIN is not business as usual. It is goal directed living with a commitment to care, learn, grow, problem solve and create together! I hope you will join us in this pioneering adventure to live life more fully by living intentionally intergenerationally!
Please see our new renderings below! The current intergenerational Adult Family Home will be connected to the expanded interactive spaces and services. On the other side of the interactive spaces you can see the new condos and rental apartments. There is a lot of work in front of us–but we are off the starting block! I hope you will join us as we work to move forward with the first complete TIIN! Together we may empower Generations of Purpose!
- New units around the pool
- View from main entrance
- View from backyard