Recently while filling out some paperwork about this first phase of development at Hope & A Future, I was struck by how much we have already accomplished. We are still working to make the next phase a reality, yet we have already helped the generations by bringing them together.  Many residents and their loved ones have been helped.  Staff and their families and many community members have been part of our journey. And some of them have been helped along the way too.  Hope & A Future has been built by the community.  We received pro bono help from many wonderful mentors.  Attorneys, Developers, Tax Accountants and insurers helped us navigate the intricacies of governing authorities while business mentors offered entrepreneurial training from the Small Business Development Center, Social Good Accelerator and Doyenne. We have had people help us think about our ideas from the UW and Madison City Planning. To begin the first phase, in 2005 we needed help from state representatives and the Governor to get approval to use Adult Family Homes for people of advanced age.  Now there are over a 1000 of them around the state!  The pilot was in our home in Middleton where DHS/DQA sent a social worker to my home–both to see how the first  resident was doing and to figure out how to safely use this model when a nurse was not running the home.  Many people helped us help people in a happier, more normal and dignified way!  And the people we helped, along with their loved ones have enriched our lives too.

And now, we are getting bids from contractors to build the next phase.  Although we are still communicating with potential donors to help us move forward–after all we have been through it is wonderful to think that we are this close to building the pilot of the first complete TIIN (Therapeutic Interactive intergeneration Neighborhood).  The community has helped us get this far and we are  looking to them again.  When we started, our ideas seemed simple.  And they still do.  However, the business piece is complicated.  Thankfully, many great minds have helped navigate the twists and turns taken to create a replicable model! Together we really can create better ways to help vulnerable community members move forward and thrive.  The last part of life can be a beautiful intergenerational adventure–young and old helping each other live goal directed full lives together!  We are grateful! If you are just hearing about us and want to join our journey, please do! If you have never been here, contact us to make an appointment for a tour.  If you would like to learn more about Hope & A Future’s model ask us to come speak to to your group. Or consider making a donation to help change the way we think about helping vulnerable community members.  We would love to hear from you!
Please join us in counting blessings!
Karin & Ruth

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