TIIN Expansion Plan

We’ve developed an exciting model for a new Therapeutic Interactive Intergenerational Neighborhood, TIIN. Our first phase included an award winning assisted living model that is home to an intergenerational staff providing care for frail older adults. In the next phase we will grow into a neighborhood bringing diverse neighbors together. This exciting new phase will serve 90% more people with affordable housing for families and independent living for seniors.

Our model weaves together neighborhood life with a variety of intergenerational contact zones providing purposeful interactions including planned areas for organized and spontaneous gatherings. Gardens, food, arts, education, exercise, hobbies, and problem solving offered in a vibrant setting feels like home to people who live onsite and those who come to visit. The neighborhood includes jobs and volunteer opportunities, as well as onsite daycare for infants- pre-k, afterschool, and adult day services.

Exterior Rendering of Hope and a Future

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