Welcome to the first Hope & A Future Blog.  At Hope & A Future we are starting something new! When people come visit us we are consistently told that we need to let people know about this beautiful project!  We hope to begin construction on the next phase in 2016 and there is already so much happening here.  So this is a quick Merry Christmas introduction to something new and old coming from heaven to earth!
First a quick note to say that Christmas is fast approaching and if you are still shopping, please consider using Amazon Smile. If you use this link: http://smile.amazon.com/ch/27-1019237   and name us, Hope & A Future will receive a donation from Amazon Smile.  This does not add cost to your order; Hope & A Future will receive a donation just because you shopped with Amazon Smile and named us!  

Your donation will help Hope & A Future create a new care model.  We are creating a Therapeutic Interactive Intergeneration Neighborhood or TIIN, strengthening the generations by bringing them together.  Our first model is aimed at helping seniors and young families interested in helping each other.  Seniors and young families in poverty are the two fastest growing segments of our population in the United States.  We believe that they are capable of helping each other and that everyone can help while being helped if we create a setting that makes this a viable option!  So we are building housing and creating a staffed neighborhood where that can happen.  


Hope & A Future currently runs an Adult Family Home that houses people aged 7 to 91. Staff and their family live with their family of friends.  Meals are shared around a common table overlooking a beautiful property filled with gardens and trees.  Most of the staff lives on-site:  an registered nurse, registered occupational therapist, pharmacy tech and C.N.A’s share this 1880’s farm house with added accessible features.  This intergenerational home meets all kinds of needs and we have all kinds of fun with our resident musicians and our full-time Art/Activity Therapist and pet, Charlie.  

Plans are in the works to develop independent housing for seniors and young families interested in mentoring and support to move forward in life.  These homes will include a connected community space where more services and fun will be available, including intergenerational day care and fun.

Hope & A Future is blessed by volunteer support from hundreds each year as well as financial donations to help us take the next steps as we develop this model in a green, faith-based setting.  Your donations will help us build the TIIN model.  Once our buildings are built and mortgages paid down, this model will be sustainable and at that point, donations will be used to build the next TIIN.  How exciting is that?!  A new approach to old problems?  Or maybe it’s an updated older approach to seemingly intractable societal problems.  Please help us offer hope for the future by joining us to develop something new!  

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

Karin Krause, RN
Executive Director

1 Comment
  1. Jackie Tolford 9 years ago

    Today was a wonderful day because my friend Mary Malischke brought me to see the place I’ve heard about for a year. Hope and a Future surpassed all expectations and I can’t wait to bring someone else and spread the word across the nation that we can care for our elders in a dignified way. Thank you Karin for a wonderful tour!

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